Monday, January 27, 2003
I had been watching 2 different movies today, “
Die Another Day” and “
Harry Potter, The Chamber of Secrets”. I didn’t plan it before but it just came out in our mind while I went out with a friend. This is my first time watching 2 different movies in one day, quite fun anyway. Well I just wish that I can go out with someone else, I mean a guy :P heck….kind of Vivin’s wishful thinking.
Right now, I really want to hear a song from Jose Mari Chan and Regine Velasquez titled “
Please Be Careful”, I like this song, the lyrics is awesome, well I’m having a little bit romantic feeling this time, I just don’t know why but I just did.
Oh yeah anyway, my wish lists :
- Phil Collin’s new album, (I can’t stop loving you)
- Sting’s New Album
- Indra Lesmana’s 2nd jazz album
So anyone wants to buy me some?…he he kidding ….just really wanted to hear them, just think that I have to hear them, I believe they all cool stuff.
11:34:00 pm ::

Sunday, January 19, 2003
A guy in the neighbourhoud called my name when I was walking and it was so rude, he was like yell at me, hey....I'm not deaf (GRRRhhh....), that's very impolite. Why didn't he just called and just usual. I hate when people yell at me....
12:54:00 pm ::

Saturday, January 18, 2003
Weh ternyata KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) masih ada loh, wah kabar kabar ternyata desanya masih desaaaa..banget mandi di kali...ihik ihik nggak bisa ngebayangin...entar diintip lagi ama pemuda desa he he he.....But thank god, my friends in the same group are all quite fun and funny so hopefully i will enjoy it, there are 16 guys and 12 girls. Well one month in the village, blend with the people there and their custom.....gee hope it's fun
3:12:00 pm ::

Friday, January 17, 2003
Learning something today for myself and girls, never driving or walking alone at night across the “kampung” street near my place, because it’s not safe. Some drunk people made troubles there and one of my friends were the victims. She was just driving across slowly and then someone whom I think he was drunk, suddenly kicked her car and hit it on the window for many times. She was opening the window and was trying to ask what’s going on, but the scary thing she found out that the “drunk guy” reached her through her window car and trying to catch and touch and grope I think, she was just scream and the people surround it was telling her to move back and close the window quickly but she was too scared that time and didn’t know what to do and the other people was trying to calm him down and pull him out from her car. She finally could escape and she was calling and crying and telling me what happened afterward. Gosh….I hope it never happened again to anyone else……….
12:53:00 am ::

Wednesday, January 15, 2003
I've been called..yay..! and talking I mean talk, you know talk...:D
Have a big smile on my face.
4:21:00 am ::

Monday, January 13, 2003
I know I'm going to change that title : Sweeter Than Sugar thing, I showed it to my sister and she was laughing very loud and rolling over down there, well not really but seems that way to me. Ok ok I'm going to change that, well look a little bit narcistic, I know that, I just have not found the one yet. That's the only thing in my my mind for the moment.
I have played matchmaker some weeks ago, I introduced one of my friend to my one of classmates and I just indroduced them not really matchmaking them, and three days ago, one of them told me that they have been meeting and hanging out for couple of times. My god, they don't even tell me anything :P well anyway, so I am the last one to know...
I wish I could talk to someone today, I miss him......
Someone called me the other day through my mobile phone with unknown number, here is :
Me : Hello..(Halo)
There : Hello, who is this, I got your number in my mobile.(Halo, Siapa nih, nomer hp kamu ada di memorinya hp-ku)
Me : What???What do you mean? I don't know about that? (Apa, apa maksudnya nih, aku gak tau lah)
There : Well, you have the number, how come your number is in my mobile (Lah, embak yg punya nomer kok...kok bisa nomernya di saya...??)
Me : What? How do I know that? And why you asked me? Do I know you? (Apaan sih? Mana saya tahu, dan kenapa nanya saya, saya kan gak kenal situ?)
There : Well ok then, May I know your name? (Ya udah, boleh nggak kenalan??)
Me : (Click !)
Well people, try to get another way, if you want to know others. I thought it was my friend, but it was just unknown person, with a bad manner, oh please.....
4:32:00 pm ::

This week is the dead week, no classes but still one assignment that quite bothering me, got to finish that quickly, kalo enggak wuah gak bakalan bisa belajar full neh pas final entar. Emang belajar gituuh .....weeekk gak mungkin...hi hi hi....Ok now seriusly I really really hate this assignment, the main reason is that I don't quite understand with the subject is, and I am so lazy this time to learn them more :( And the other thing, I got sore throat now, I bet 2 days or maybe tomorrow I will sneeze a lot.
2:17:00 am ::

Sunday, January 12, 2003
Sunday and sunday, what should I do today?? Well well my first posting, I hope this is going to be interesting...
6:59:00 pm ::
