Friday, March 28, 2003
Well well Fahrul and Nauval…………names that I could never forget the whole of my life, not because they have a meaning in my life, but because they’re mean to me, really so MEAN……..(!@$$%*?!?). I don’t want to make things so clear here I just don’t want to type much this time. Short story, don’t you hate when someone change the decision in the last minute and don’t you hate when it’s your treat, your birthday and they ruled the game? And silly thing I followed their game and Whoops…I’m in it. They made me go to other place while I was there in a first place that we agreed, and there was again they made me paid their lunch in Prambanan Well let’s just say whatever happen will happen and this what had happened to me. Poor me. Gosh I know how innocent I am, and how dare them….just watch out for it guys….. :P
I just say that take a deep breath and just breath and breath…phew, they just made my day, I mean turn my day into bad one or I might say, a day that I wish I could forget it but I knew I couldn’t. I’m in a good mood this time, I am very stable while I’m writing it. End of story.
11:20:00 pm ::

Thursday, March 20, 2003
“Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to me……..” (YAY clapping my hands …….)
I then blow the candle and closing my eyes (thinking) and hmmmm…have to wish for something…hold on……hmmm ..yeah ok I have already make some wishes (BIG SMILE).
Today is my birthday and I turn 23 today hmm……. quite old, am I? Mom said that I was born in Wednesday, 23 years ago and today is Wednesday, so I think I smell something special in it…….well what is it, maybe I will find my soul mate this year? LOL well who knows ??? (Vivin is laughing out loud thinking about it…..with a big grin :P)
Some friends have left me message today and I’m thankful to them for that. First in the morning at about 1 am in the morning Ita’ had sent me message and then 30 minutes later Nadia sent me message too.
Ita ‘ : Happy Birthday, may all your wishes may come true and cepet dapet gandengan ------ he he tau aja ……kalo lagi butuh
Nadia : Happy b’day, hope Allah would give you the best in everyway, now and always. ------wah Nad emang lu always religius banget yach he he, thanks anyway, honey……
And then Rini one of my KKN’s friend sent me message, this was her message (about 5.30 am today),
Rini : Hayo bangun, kalo gak bangun tak siram loh, met ultah yaaa, moga panjang umur, tambah cantik, tambah disayang ortu, adik, kakak, and yayang tercinta…… ------ thank you thank you, Amin, you are the one who knows me better in my KKN’s world.
And Suci then sent me message when I was walking down to school and here’s her message,
Suci : wish you a very happiest b’day. May god bless you in every step you take and decision you make right now and next year forward. ----- Wow deep banget yach, thanks mbak Suci…..
Then, there was Fahrul calling me in the morning and wishes me a happy birthday and then my sister, my mom, my grandma, my dad, and funny thing and silly thing, Nauval SMS-ed me and ask me this : Ndang, koen ulang tahun kah today? ---- I think I don’t need to answer that question right?, cause if I answer YES then he will ask for some treat (I know you Val), and if I say NO then that would be a lie, wouldn’t it? So I just left him with that question anyway he he he he……………
And also not forgetting, Lisa’s mother congrats me and she wishes a lot for me such as : semoga dapet kerja yg bagus, smoga dapet tempat yg layak dimanapun, semoga sukses, smoga enteng jodoh, smoga jadi istri yang solehah, trus dapet suami yg dapat ngayomi, yang baek --------------- he he he ah tante jadi malu tau ajaaaaaa………, mantep banget kan doanya hi hi hi…
In the afternoon, I was hanging out with Lisa, and her boyfriend Ersi and Nadia and we were having some eat at PIZZA HUT. Well of course my treat and how dare they do this thing to me, they forced me to dress girly and wear some skirt and do some make up, and look what have they done to me. While I was going inside Lisa’s car, I saw them wearing jeans, and I am the only one wearing the skirt and little make up (well I call them make up anyway….). Wah emang sialan, dasar emang kalian….pasti kalian pikir kapan lagi ngerjain aku kalo nggak ultahku yach he he dasar emang.
Lisa gave me a burgundy shirt for my gift and it’s very beautiful and yeah I look so girly :D on it. Nadia gave me green knit shirt and it also very beautiful and wow sexy…………well al least that’s what I think. THANK YOU GIRLS, you just know how to dress me up well, I know I’m not really a shopper and not really that fashionable.
Oh yeah and Ita’ has bought me a blue Graphis tanktop-skirt few days ago, and it’s very nice…
Maybe a birthday every year is remain us that we were getting older and some people dislike that but I’m sure today I found out more than that, I have still have my friends around me, who cares about me, and I think sometimes we realize it better on our birthday.
3:09:00 am ::

Saturday, March 15, 2003
Don't really know what to write today. Well tomorrow got to teach to a quite far away school :( I really wanted to get some rest but anyway that would be ok with me, more time on teaching more money I will get :D
Have read many post from people in and
where I met Dan. Quite afraid many people finding their online friend were not like the person they thought, though they have known each other for 2 years or so. Frankly speaking I had some kind of feared about it if I got hurt, but anyway people told me that I better let the water flow.
3:08:00 am ::

Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Do some quizzes (kind of bored) and here what I got :

You're nothing, really. But you're nice.
What type of music are you? brought to you by Quizilla

What's YOUR sexual fetish? brought to you by Quizilla
So what???? Something wrong with being virgin?? Saving myself for my own future husband?
2:56:00 am ::

Saturday, March 01, 2003
Distance relationship.......
Big question.
I don't know the answer.
Could somebody answered?
11:41:00 pm ::

Back home for two days now cause I'm going to have my graduation ceremony tomorrow...Yippie....!!! well quite happy cause the graduation will make my parents smiling and of course I will smile all day long :P
Only one thing is missing and that's make me so sad......sometimes crying alone and don't know what to do....
12:30:00 am ::
