Thursday, July 31, 2003
-- New setting I have now, but still have to managed this page better. just trying to make things little bit better lah....
1:46:00 pm ::

Wednesday, July 23, 2003
-- Yeah, right I sworn this afternoon, my's not good. It doesn't mean that I'm a girl who sworn everytime, I don't really, I do sworn for things which really pist me off. So, that's me.
11:56:00 pm ::

-- Damn ! Klub Playstation in Mayjen Haryono Malang near Brawijaya University, I have returned their CD but they said I haven't. Shit, I look like a liar or something....brengsek banget see... Lah iya kalo ngomongnya agak sopan dikit enggak banget, dan kesannya I'm a liar or something. Weh gile seumur hidup kayaknya nggak mungkin aku pinjem CD di situ lagi deh....enak aja, kayak nggak ada tepat pinje CD yg lan aja....suebel banget deh sumpah ! Maunya se aku sumpah serapah aja ke bak yg jaga itu, tapi ternyata belive it or not, aku tuh yang baik baik ama dia, ngomongnya aluuuusss banget kayak orang Solo......Alah alah gimana to aku ini...... Yah nggak seberapa se nggantinya cuman 10 rebu perak per CD, tapi nganggep aku "a liar" itu loh yg aku nggak seneng.....
-- I am so unfashionable today.....I'm not really fashionable person, but really today I feel I am more unfashinable than any the other day before...I don't know why. I only wear t-shirt and loose pants, postman bag and my blue sandals which looked really awful (I think ....he he he....) How mess I am !
-- I love Ross Geller of Friends. I wish there was another Ross in this world he he he.....I do really like him a lot. If one day I met guy like Ross, maybe I will marry him, though he seemed weird sometimes, but he's a responsible man anyway. Well I don't know do I like Ross because David Schwimmer or else but I reallly like him.
2:08:00 pm ::

Sunday, July 20, 2003
-- Maunya sih bikin new setting buat blog ini...tapi apa daya ternyata masih banyak yang error error, so entar aja deh....he he
-- I went to wedding this afternoon with mommy and as Javannesse people, she brought me Jasmine flowers from the bride (Javannesse bride has many jasmines everywhere bedroom, clothes, anywhere...). Mommy said, hopefully meeting soulmate easily and get married..she said to me, by the way. Put the flowers under your pillow for 3 days. And here I am with jasmines under my pillow. Well, I don't really believe superstitious, I just do what mom said, who knows it's true...:D
12:01:00 am ::

Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Maybe that's what describe my computer these days, but I think it's fine now and I can get online again and blogging again and do things.
5:25:00 pm ::

Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Vivin in
recovery phase yes …..I’m in recovery phase and I think I’m glad to be that way this time. It’s been a while since I wasn’t feel being me, I thought I could not go back to the real me, but now I’m glad I’m here now. Of course it didn’t happen just like that. I took some time and efforts on it and I think I almost done with this phase. Phew…so….glad…… I’m proud I’m here now at this time and left the memories behind as part of my life and I’m proud I can leave it there. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy, really. And I think I almost lost in the middle of somewhere but here I am now.
I asked my cousin who was just married less than a year ago, why she cut her hair, well nothing....I was just asking that's all and just a small talk, and she surprisingly (well actually not...)
Vivin : Hey.... you cut your hair, why? you look better with longer hair
Cousin : Well, you should get married to know why.
Vivin : Oh...(confused)
Mommy : (who was there while this conversation happen) well, so she will easily washing her hair everyday.
Vivin : washing her hair?? .....(and I was exactly understood what we're talking about...) oh I see..... (so ashamed....)
I just felt I was so childish, how could I never think about it, and there were me stuck in the middle of the "conversation". I should have known before, newly coupled who just married and honeymoon of course they washed their hair more often than the others. I see I see…..mmmm…
I should stretching my money this time, I feel like I have wasted my money a lot.
1:38:00 am ::
