Friday, November 14, 2003
Back in the year 2002, I came to Liquid Flux by Spirit Project from Europe. It was a great one. I actually got the ticket because I had won quiz in some local radio here. I did really want to come to the concert cause they said there would be some jazz performances too. Well then I came there with Fay, Nadia and Andi. So we were having fun that time. I did really enjoy the jazz performances, and I just knew that the one who played saxophone was Praful (comes from Netherlands, originally from Germany). Then…about 2 months ago, I happened to see a website about Spirit Project and there were also a website of Praful, the sax player. There was Praful email-address and I sent an email just to admire his performance on Liquid Flux in the year 2002 in town. I wrote that I like the way he play the music and I still remember him among other band members and he just did a great job. Two days ago, I found out there was an email in my mailbox from
Praful….YAY! he just sent me a reply…..and telling me that he loved Indonesia and asking if I lived in Malang and if I have heard his solo album “One Day Deep” (it’s not available in Indonesia…..L too bad…..) and will tell me if he ever come back in to Indonesia. I have heard some of his tracks in One Day Deep from the website of his
record company, it was a great songs. Unfortunately the album is not available in Indonesia, if there were, I would absolutely bought his album. I wish he would make the next album become available in Indonesia, cause I think the tracks are really cool.
7:54:00 am ::

Tuesday, November 04, 2003
The difference meaning of “time“ between Asian and Western:
+ An Asian will say: “It’s a great time to spend the time with you at this hours, this is such great moment, I will do my work later”.
+ A Western will say: “I’m sorry I can not stay with you this long, cause I had to do my work quickly”.
So, Western will say that “Time is precious so they won’t waste it” and Asian will say that “Time is precious to spend it with friends or other people”. I can say that Asian will do more socializing instead of doing other else. Well I won’t say that it’s not true. Basically it’s really true. For me myself, I think I need to socialize and also doing my work well. If I did my work I will do it seriously and of course still need to socialize with others too. I can’t just stick to my work. I need amusement.
Have been enjoyed reading “The diary of a young girl: Anne Frank”. Thanks to Katie (my sister’s pen friend in England) who sent it to her, free of charge. Of course I read this book happily. I have seen the movie so I need to read the book also. It doesn’t publish here in Indonesia. I think, this book is a treasure.
I already have these 2 books, the trilogy of Dave Pelzer one of the child-abused victims. They are “A child called “It”” and the second one “The Lost Boy”. The third entitled “A Man Named Dave” is not bought yet. I think I will or I think, it’s better if Fahrul bought me the book as we have agreed to he he he……. I don’t think he will.
10:11:00 pm ::

Sunday, November 02, 2003
Kind of busy days lately, there are some works to do at the office and the good news is I got my salary this month he he he…
I’ve been in the English Club (Access) this morning and it’s great, improving my English by practicing it with expatriates. I would like to come again next December.
Mungkin mo ke Jogja lebaran entar…. hmmm I hope it will be a good time. Jogja is a great place to spend the days. But to meet relatives is not a guarantee to be a better moments he he he… unless my cousins who are
I haven’t doing my proposal yet…Aaaarrrrghhhh………got to do it quickly.
I join and there are some html tags that I will add here in my blogspot.
9:56:00 pm ::
