Saturday, December 27, 2003 heart is red....

Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
12:10:00 am ::

Friday, December 26, 2003
Boo hoo...I'm Marlin...good news or bad... he he....

What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
11:54:00 pm ::

Saturday, December 20, 2003
I saw American Idol 2003 on TV and one of the contestants was singing “How am I supposed to live without you” of Michael Bolton. And he was singing so beautifully. I was quite alone at that time and I don’t know how but there was something in my eyes while listening to the song. Oh gee….I think I was too sensitive…maybe..
Cut my hair today…just a bit….to cure this almost un-healthy hair.
New year’s eve…jakarta…malang…jakarta..….malang…..jakarta…malang…..humm…
10:24:00 pm ::

Thursday, December 18, 2003
Well…”bagpackers” (using Suci’s term) are sometimes annoying, huh…
Just had to pick and choose which are better and “normal”.
Simple things (or is it silly things?) that Vivin can’t do :
- whistle
- ride motorbike
- park a car
- open a can (well sometimes I can)
- open candy wrap (sometimes I can but sometimes can not, had to call out for back-up)
- there’s more I think, I just hope that this list won’t be too long he he he…..
Did I talk too much in my blog? Humm….. Having read things that I had been posting earlier and yeah seems I did talk too much.
Baru kali ini di complain ama ortu siswa….monyong dah…untung aja bla-bla nya berhasil…tapi emang aku ngerasa nggak salah kok…..emang ngajar English buat anak kecil kok minta langsung nyerocos bahasa Inggris…well well…in your dream, Ma’m. Ya udah tak jelasin aja segala macem sistem yg tak pake…kenapa ngajar begini begitu….nah walhasil si ibu-ibu berdua itu langsung nyempil en mungsret aja di depan ku..padahal sebelah ku tuh kepsek loh….nah hebat banget kan…he he he……untungnya si bapak kepsek neh belain aku, dia malah bilang ke ibu-ibu berdua itu buat sabar aja…soalnya kan mereka juga still little lah…..mana mungkin langsung nyerocos ngomong in English….emangnya di Amrik apa……wah dasar emang si ibu itu. But it’s fine lah soalnya jadi tau what’s in their mind. En sukur banget bisa ngejelasin panjang lebar biar si ibu tau sekalian kalo I’m not playing around.
Need to see these movies :
- Daddy Day Care
- Return of The King (also the book, of course)
- Finding Nemo
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
- Jeepers Creepers 2
- Matrix Revolutions
11:23:00 am ::

Saturday, December 13, 2003
Yay...the comment thing is working. :)
10:51:00 pm ::

Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Brother is at home now. Few days ago my brother and me were doing things and talk about some things with the computer. Then, he happened to hear a song from Praful and he likes it. I told him that it’s Praful, jazz player from Netherlands and he was performed with other band one year ago in town. He heard other songs and he still like them. Yay..! See…I knew it….. I just knew it. Praful is great. It felt great to share things especially jazz with others and knew that I’ m not alone.
Meeting Iin, one of my colleagues this afternoon and we talked…..well…not much but it just great.
Iin : I really want to get other experiences. I just feel that I’m still young and I want to get many things in my life.
Me : Yeah, me too. I just want to do things that I want.
Iin : Uh-huh. When I had already graduated, I want to get a job outside this city or maybe just outside the country I’ll take it.
Me : Yeah, that would be great. I just thought that way too. Outside the city or maybe outside the country would be great. I always love to do job related to English or culture. Learning other cultures and customs are always great.
Conclusion : Seee…..!!! Vivin is not alone………. :
Quoted from what I have posted earlier about testing my love personality (I found the test on net, I forget where) :
“ENFP when in love” ---- > Yes I am ENFP
“Puppy love” is a good term for describing your take on romance: fun, frisky, playful, cuddly, and young at heart. No matter what your age or how many times your heart has been broken, you are an eternal optimist when it comes to love. ----- > Yeah, maybe that’s true. No matter how many times my heart had broke…..I search my love he he he………
You are not someone who proceeds cautiously when you meet someone you find attractive. You are likely to fall passionately in love-or at least lust- quickly, spontaneously, and with total abandon. ------ > really? I don’t know about this one, not really I think.
Holding something back for later is a concept you can’t quite grasp, especially when it comes to the joy of creating a new and exciting relationship. ---- > Yup I guess so when I feel comfortable with the relationship, I will go for it…any kind of relationship.
Yes, COMMITMENT can scare you. That one word may explain why you are still single at thirty, forty, fifty, or beyond. ----- > Mwhaaa….boo hoo…that’s bring me down hiks hiks…… really I am? I don’t feel I am.
But you love, absolutely love, the concept of intimacy, sharing, and relationships. If only you could find that special one, you would be set for life. ----- > Yeah, yeah…it’s true, that’s right. I agree with that. It’s very me. So where is my prince? The man who is riding white horse and saved me and will live happily ever after, he who will guard me from bad things and who stand up for me. Oh Darn…I guess I got my Cinderella-complex….oh darn! Ok That’s it Vivin…wake up, wake up girl……
7:54:00 am ::

Tuesday, December 02, 2003
On My Own
by: Whitney Houston
I'm wiser now
I'm not the foolish girl
you used to know
so long ago.
I'm stronger now
I've learned from my mistakes
which way to go
and I should know.
I put myself aside to do it your way
but now I need to do it all alone
And I am not afraid to try it on my own
I don't care if I'm right or wrong
I'll live my life the way I feel
No matter what, I'll keep it real you know
Time for me to do it on my own
It's over now
I can't go back to living through your eyes,
too many lies
And if you don't know by now
I can't go back to being someone else,
not anymore
I never had the chance to do things my way
so now it's time for me to take control
And I am not afraid to try it on my own
I don't care if I'm right or wrong
I'll live my life the way I feel
No matter what, I wanna keep it real you know
Time for me to do it on my own
Oh! I start again, go back to one
I'm running things in my way
Can't stop me now, I've just begun
Don't even think about it
there is no way around it
I'm taking names, the world is mine
yes I'm gonna take my turn
It's time for me to finally stand alone
I am not afraid to try it on my own
and I don't care if I'm right or wrong
I'll live my life the way I feel
No matter what, I'm gonna keep it real you know
It's time for me to do it (on my own)
:: It is dedicated to those whom ever hurt me, thanks for the "lesson"
10:09:00 pm ::
