Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Searching for "work spirit" things for the thesis......I got enough so far about "loyalty" but I need more of "work spirit" stuff....Hopefully got more about them later on. A bit nervous to meet the lecturers, but anyway...got to think positive and got to go through anything eventhough the worst thing that could happen. Well I hope not a bad thing. Cha yo...cha yo...Vivin !!!
Gee.....misses something today.
Oh yeah.....the news said that bird flu has reach Indonesia too.....man....what other new virus is that. After SARS threatened Asia and now bird flu.....come on..is there any safe place to live by in Asia. Not quite worry too much, cause I'm so faraway to poultry. But somehow I just thought maybe there's someone who wants to destroy all the human race in earth, you know...just like in the movies....could it be Martian? could it be Alien? or what? he he he......Too much movies on Vivin's head.
9:47:00 pm ::

Monday, January 26, 2004
Got stuck at the store last Saturday because of the hard rain but I got the pinky stuff anyway. Lots of pinky stuff lately at some stores.
Brother told me about the movie called "Love Actually" he said it's a good one. Hmm...must be show on sometime in February.
10:44:00 pm ::

Friday, January 23, 2004
Nadia sms-ed me today and she wrote :
"Lagi nemenin Nina casting film, gila Pin, cowoknya cuman dikit tapi keren semuanya. mo nitip ga? dibawa 1 ke Malang kan lumayan. Gak ada cowok cakep blas di Malang.miz you much, sis"
Translation :
"I accompany Nina on movie's casting. It's crazy here, only few guys but all of them are cute. Would you want one? Bring one to Malang is quite cool. No cute guys in Malang. Miss you much, sis"
Well....movie's casting...of course would be lots of cute guys.
10:18:00 pm ::

Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Few questions that some of my students have asked me :
Fachr (11 y.o ) : Miss, what is love?
Hasan (11 y.o.) : I broke the necklace that my girlfriend gave, do you think she will mad? What if you were on her side? Will you be mad?
Erla (11 y.o.): Miss, what do you feel if you met your ex-bf? What will you do?
Dwi (11 y.o.) : She just dumped me, she didn’t even read my letter. She just threw away my letter. What should I do?
Farrel (11 y.o.) : People should know someone’s personality right? before they got together.
They’re 11 and what interesting questions they have. Hmmm…lucky me… he he he….or poor me....well just blend myself with them and I feel that they have a great attachment on me.
10:11:00 pm ::

Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Yay....got the guestbook and blogchalk too....though still mixed-up inside me sometimes. Well at least I got them anyway. Loh apa hubungannya yach...nah kan..sudah ngantuk...bobo' deh bobo......
Best viewed on Internet Explorer.
1:04:00 am ::

Monday, January 19, 2004
Waks.....Pak Tulus ma Bu Djudiah.....The second one is fine...but the first one.....little bit complicating they said...but no matter what..got to go through them. I wish myself goodluck...Cha yo, Vivin...!!
Don't know why....but I feel....a bit mixed up, I think.
Try to put guestbook on this site.
11:24:00 pm ::

Saturday, January 17, 2004
Oh man....always missed Clay Aiken on American Idol.... :(
11:55:00 pm ::

Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Today’s lesson: Breathing while water runs through your throat might choke yourself :P
Josh Groban has great voice and also nice song….made me cry…..bwhaaa……Clay Aiken has very wonderful voice………Michael Buble has manly voice and he sang so jazz-ly.
This night, listen oldies songs in my Winamp such as :
Roberta Flack and Peabo Bryson -- Tonight, I celebrate my love
Unknown – Don’t Sleep Away This Night
Abba – Fernando
Abba – Nina Pretty Ballerina (First time hearing this song)
Octopuss – Smoke gets in your eyes (I think the original version of the song…)
Michael Bolton – To Love Somebody
Dolly Parton – You are
Morris Albert – Feelings
Whitney Houston – Greatest Love of All
Diana Ross – When you tell me that you love me
The Jackson Five – Ben
10:27:00 pm ::

Monday, January 12, 2004
Went to campus to see who's gonna assist me on my thesis...but seems they still have not put my name on the list.....hmm..I wonder why. I just curious to find out who....gee...hopefully I got those who are so kind to their students.
11:42:00 pm ::

Thursday, January 01, 2004
Happy New Year…….everyone !!!
Hopefully this year will bring more happiness and luck. And live with good hopes.
Never regret for what had been done in the past. Fight for the future.
Learn something in the past. It might bring lights.
10:58:00 pm ::
