Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Love Does Not Need A ReasonLady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?
Man: I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man: I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!
Man: Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movements..
Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and became comma.
The Guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:
Because of your sweet voice that I love you...
Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your care and concern that I like you..
Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your smile,
because of your every movements that I love you..
Now can you smile? Now can you move?
No, therefore I cannot love you...
If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason
for me to love you anymore.
Do love need a reason? NO!
Therefore, I still love you...
And love doesn't need a reason
" The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, not touched..but are felt in the heart ."

Vivin's comment :'s reaally beautiful..... hiks hiks....
11:27:00 pm ::

Tuesday, March 30, 2004
My elskling is gonna come.....soon.....Isn't that excited...
10:57:00 pm ::

Monday, March 29, 2004
Adit of
KomputerAktif sent Happy Birthday SMS yesterday.

Today I also got cute shirt from Liza. It's off-white and some writings on the shirt read
good night, sleep tight......he he so is it pajamas? makes me sleepy.... Welll the birthday has gone....but still feels the spirit of it he he he...
12:50:00 am ::

Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Vivin is sucking Chupa chups with caramel flavour in her mouth.
When Vivin at home......the books and papers spread all over the bed and near the computer....why? because she is looking for ideas what to write on her thesis. She wants her thesis to be done soon, but seems the lecturers didn't agree with her. One of the lecturers had asked her to debate more and more and the lecturer started to knocked Vivin's down sometimes. It has make her depressed some other times. But she will she has survived with her previous final project on Computer stuff. So kind of believe that she will survive anyway. Just need times, courage, thought, and patience.
The questions that currently on Vivin's mind. Does
loyalty have the same meaning to
organisational commitment? Does
work spirit have the same meaning to
morale at work? Have not had enough references so far. Currently searching for journals to support it. It's not easy to work on thesis, huh.
Vivin will have her "spring break" early April and has asked the supervisors about and they have agreed...I think she just have to do the work that she supposed to do that week. But it's not much....just a little thing. She will have good time this early April anyway.
By the way, it's been 4 days since her birthday and it's her 4th day being 24. After the birthday there're still some who congrats her. Some of the students on March 20, and also Herwig and Ita who sent her e-cards. And she said : Thank you all !! She's happy with it. And also she got
Jazzy Tunes cassete from Suci....she liked it. It's 80's Jazz songs. Favourite one so far was titled
Sweet Baby. Ooh...its you sweet baby...I wil never be free from your embrace...sweet baby....only hoping it's not too late........ Oh gee....she's singing..not good.
Adit of
KomputerAktif had interviewed Vivin on the phone the other day. She asked him why he chose this blog. And he said that he needs something outside Jakarta..... hmmm...well he's right he needs something with rural's smell like Malang. And also he asked for her pic too.....that's embarassing, why should put Vivin's pic too. She feels that her blog is not perfect anyway...but still looking forward what Adit will write on the tabloid next month. She was quite sure that it will be just small space in the corner of the page. But it's allright anyway...the will show up on tabloid anyway. That's quite rare..well not quite...but it is rare...well not either rare...but never happened before.
Chupa chups has gone in Vivin's mouth and also today's writing on the blog.
10:57:00 pm ::

Friday, March 19, 2004
01.15AM. Asbjorn. Tag and YM.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....With lot of love I wish you a very very happy birthday, Hope you will have a wonderful day:: He he.....thank you so much,'re the first today.
05.03AM. Liza. SMS.
Dear God, protect my friend you gave me, keep her safe, remind her of your great love n bless her...Make her my best friend forever....Amien. Happy B'Day. I luv you Vin.:: Thanks Liza....that's touching...thank you very much...hope we'll meet soon.
06.00AM. Nadia. SMS.
Happy b'day honey! Semoga kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan selalu menghiasi hari-harimu. Acaranya apa hari ini? Ntar minggu depan kalo kita pulang, kita buat acara lagi ya? Miss you much, love u.:: Thank you so much Nad...for the wish. No such party today....we'll meet next week. Miss you too....
06.30AM. Sister. In bedroom.
Happy Birthday....just anything good for you.:: Just that? anything? he he ...thanks anyway, sis.
08.42AM. Haliman. SMS.
Happy Birthday to you and have a very nice future - Just promise me to keep your good track that you have been done. Warmest greeting from Kuta Bali. Arif Haliman.:: Thank you...I'll always try my best to be the best me. Nice wishes anyway....
11.30AM. Dad. Home.
Selamat ulang tahun.....:: Only it. He he thanks Dad.
01.20PM. Mom. Home.
Selamat Ulang tahun....semoga panjang umur...banyak rezeki...enteng jodoh...:: Yeah right...thanks mom. :D
01.30PM. Omma. Home.
Selamat Ulang Tahun ya...aku sudah lupa yang begini's ok Omma....thanks anyway.
04.00PM. Students. Class. Spread the lollipops.
Happy Birthday, Miss.....:: Thank you, kids..... :)
05.30PM. Ita. Phone.
Happy birthday.....enteng jodoh en sukses yach....he he he:: He he...sure....thank you so much.
05.40PM. Grandma. Phone.
Selamat Ulang tahun....banyak rezeki, dapat kerjaan bagus....:: Thanks Grandma for the wishes. :)
06.30PM. Dad. Home.
Selamat Ulang tahun...semoga panjang umur...sukses, banyak rejeki, berkah, ketemu jodoh.....:: He he he...Dad said this? he he he....thank you Dad!
09.55PM. Asbjorn. SMS.
Happy Birthday! Today you will be.................:: Thank you and YAY! what a great news on my birthday :)
I am 24 today.
11:19:00 pm ::

Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me....
Happy birthday..happy birthday...
happy birthday to me....
Recent SMS :
March 18, 2004.
Suci .
I'll stay here in your "Inbox" and wait until 19/03/2004, 00.00AM, so I'll be the first to greet you and say : HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Luv you. --> Thanks Suci.....and that's nice message anyway. And yeah you're the first he he he......
I will write more later.....about Vivin's D-day. Hopefully it's gonna be a good one :).
1:16:00 am ::

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Tick tack...tick tack....tick tack....time is ticking and will never stop.
Suci SMS-ed me today and said :
Rencana party kemana neh ? hikikikik.....Suci. Nah loh kan.....I answered :
Party he ama Suci aja kali yaa....Sunday??
10:54:00 pm ::

I just want people to see what I am now and what's inside me. I don't like people who are shallow and just looking at what's outside. I would be happier when people see what I am inside rather than outside. Well I don't say that I have something outside that people can admire or look. I was just trying to say that I think and maybe the inside is more beautiful to see. So…accept me as what I am, accept me as what I have inside, accept me as what on the outside and accept me as ….Vivin. If you don't want to then I will not force you to.
1:34:00 am ::

Sunday, March 14, 2004
Sunday. Just stay at home. The rain was cats and dogs during the day. Still raining a little in the afternoon and evening.
AFI 2. Gak seru banget yach....barusan eliminasi pertama tapinya dah didramatisir gitu...ih gak seru banget. Dah gitu pake nangis-nangis segala. Kalo AFI yang pertama kan mereka nangisnya karena mereka semua keseringan bareng, tapi kalo yang ini katanya sih barusan 3 hari, tapi mereka dah pada begitu...lagian AFI 2 ini yang ngikut kayaknya ceweknya centil-centil banget ya. Gak natural deh pokoknya. I'm not really optimistic about the succesful of the second AFI. It's not gonna be as success as the first one. Keliatannya ngefans ama AFI yach...padahal nggak juga sih....cuman pengamat aja lah....abisnya jam segitu nggak ada acara bagus yang bisa ditonton. Tapi seumur-umur gak pernah liat yang namanya konser AFI.
10:59:00 pm ::

Friday, March 12, 2004
When I first came into the class today, some students came over me and starting to search something in my bag while saying "You don't bring us stories anymore......", oh well yeah...I didn't bring them stories today.....poor them.....I will bring them stories next time anyway.
Several times ago, I have asked the educational person if there's something to advice on the way I teach. And today he came into my class and observe on the last 20 or 30 minutes. After all finished and the kids went home, just before I asked him, he said " did good !". Phew! Thank you.
I feared people's opinion until I realized that people will have opinion about me anyway. (Quoted from :
I fear...... )
10:10:00 pm ::

Monday, March 08, 2004
Tidy the bedroom. Huh? Vivin tidy the bedroom? He he he..that's kind of rare. Yeah I did..believe it or not....It was kind of mess. So I just had to make it a little bit brighter. I split what books and things I will use most and not. Lots of used papers that's already become rubbish as I don't use it anymore. I can't believe I have saved those rubbish that long. Like, Katon's signature which he gave few years ago and I did throw it away...well sorry....but yeah I did...I have also threw away some notes that I don't think I will need it. the room is a bit brighter and a bit organized. My sister was surprised when she got home ;)
Indosiar should know when to stop. AFI has become audiences' favourite ever since. But still the program should not be broadcast over and over again with the same style. It is now almost become the
Indonesian sinetron, which came up with the same style again and again. And that's boring.
Dad : Vivin....where are you going to treat us?
Me : Treat? treat for what....? (as if I didn't understand what he talked about)
Mom : Hey..come on this is about
pangsit Warna Warni?
Me : Oh that...? sure...I will..he he...(that's cheap anyway :P)
Sister : Just that...? that's cheap...of course she said yes for that.
Me : (as I walking away) no more offering...he he he....
11:56:00 pm ::

Sunday, March 07, 2004
Elskling.....,I feel great today......:D
12:53:00 am ::

Friday, March 05, 2004
Today's quote :
Jeg savner deg, elskling.........
1:43:00 am ::

Thursday, March 04, 2004
hotmail Daily Horoscope said :
Thursday, March 4, 2004
You will experience an emotional spark today. You’re feeling better about yourself and this is making people attracted to you. Your smile is the cue.
I said : Really?? he he he.....people attracted to me... that's interesting...maybe cause I wear a feminine clothes and carry my sister's-bagpack on my back...feminine...and ...bagpack....they don't match somehow...well at least in my case today....
11:21:00 pm ::

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
w.bloggar. Find w.bloggar the other day...seems it's easier cause I'm able to write offline easier like doing
this or
this easier and quickly and right away I can see the result after I'm editing and writing the blog. Mostly I write offline but this one with some direct editting in the same window. So I will only click here and there to post it.
Sebel....sedih, mangkel, marah...bingung mo ngerasain gimana...barusan ngerasain seminggu sembuh dari flu lah...kena flu lagi....aturan dari mana..coba....Flu burung? nggak ada demamnya....., demam berdarah?...nggak ada bintik merah kok....paling juga kena
'flu ga mar', alias
flu gak mari-mari....walah..jadi males banget mo ngapa-ngapain. Kalo tak pikir-pikir manja banget..coba....mas barusan 'bengek' eh lah....'bengek' lagi. Aduh..Vivin...makanya ma'em yang banyak...gitu...biar gendut sikit napa.......(emang iyah gitu...?) Tapi untungnya, it's a lot better today..that's what I felt yesterday. It's getting better and hopefully getting better and better......
10:58:00 pm ::

Monday, March 01, 2004
Here I am trying to post with w.bloggar....looks easier....let's see....
1:14:00 am ::
