Thursday, April 29, 2004
I think the Santika Hotel Malang which is being build quite near my place. I think..I think...they're working on the building 24 hours everyday, unless Sunday I think. Few days ago in the middle of the night, nature calls, and I had to go to the bathroom outside my bedroom.I heard noise from that I may conclude that they're working on the building all day long. Phew....that's tiring...and everytime when I passed that area and some workers were coming out from that place...they looked very very tired and I think I can read in their faces that they're saying....."I don't want to go back to that camp...!!! Please get me out of here......!!" He he he...not really...I was just...trying to describe them.
Rebbeck..rebbeck....I heard that sound yesterday when I was in the bathroom....there was that sound....I wonder what was that..and I then sure it's a frog (well actually I'm sure that the sound was.... rebbeck...rebbeck..after I knew that it was frog). Well... I think these days I was so hearing sounds and noises near me. What great ears, I have

11:34:00 pm ::

Monday, April 26, 2004
Perpustakaan hari ini.
Waktu menunjukkan pukul 11.20.
Vivin : Pak, saya mau fotokopi jurnal ini..
Petugas : Waktunya sampai jam setengah dua belas loh, mbak..
Vivin : Hah, setengah dua belas....belum fotokopinya, jalannya, mana cukup 10 menit, pak...ya sudah besok saja pak...(sedikit ngambek)
Petugas : Besok, mbak?
Vivin : Iya pak...besok saja.....(sambil berlalu meninggalkan si bapak yang bengong liat aku sedikit ngambek)
Lah....Perpustakaan kok cuman setengah hari...padahal kan hari senin...memang sih cuman bagian jurnalnya aja..tapi kan ya tetep aja....
Story about couple who has married for almost 30 years. The husband got power syndrome(maybe) and the wife got suffered because of that. The husband didn't let the wife going out too much with the reason that she has even didn't understand (it didn't happen that way before). It's hard for her to live with it. She has no more love to her husband, and she just let life get through because she just wants to save for the sake marriage. The husband wanted the wife to stay at home more, while the wife needs to meet and greet her friends. The husband didn't say that she must not go...but everytime she went, he made cold war with the wife. The wife has no willing to talk about such problem cause she had enough of that...she feels that she always makes the first talk about any problem they have faced the whole 30 years. So she has no willing to talk about it..did the husband still love her? is that the way the husband love her wife? is that what happen after 30 years of marriage? I have no clue about it. I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for the marriage.
11:09:00 pm ::

Sunday, April 25, 2004
It's been a little bit long not searching for good lyrics of some songs and this afternoon I heard these kind of confused which I put Back At One of Bryan McKnight or In A Rush of Blackstreet...but then I decide
In A rush is more here's the lyrics :
In A Rush (Black Street)
It came over me in a rush
when I realized that i love you so much
that sometimes i cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what i feel inside
how I try to express
whats been troublin' my mind
but still I cant find the words
but I know that somethings got a hold of me
It came over me in a rush
when I realized that i love you so much
that sometimes i cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what i feel inside
baby someday ill find a way to say
just what you mean to me
but if that day never comes along
and you dont hear this song
i guess you'll never know
it came over me in a rush
when I realized that i love you so much
that sometimes i cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what i feel in
feel what I feel inside
and when i say inside I mean deep
you fill my soul
and thats something I cant explain
its over me
cuz it came over me in a rush
when Ii realized that I love you so much
that sometimes I cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what I feel inside
it came over me in a rush
when I realized that i love you so much
that sometimes I cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what i feel inside
It came over me in a rush
when I realized that i love you so much
that sometimes i cry
but I cant tell you why
why I feel what i feel inside
12:50:00 am ::

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Got new silver ring, a present from Asbjorn on my 24th birthday ...very nice and cute one...
Today....ngajar...tapi bawaannya marah-marah terus.....lagi nyiapin mereka buat pentas....tapi dasar anak-anak...lari bawel-bawel lagi....ampe gak telaten rasanya. Tapi yang jelas harus sabar...sabar..sabar....yah lumayan lah belajar jadi ibu yang baik...he he he he......Amin.
Hang out with
Suci Puchy last week....and yeah...we were talking about :
And other more.......
until the time Suci Puchy had to go back to where she belongs....
12:17:00 am ::

Thursday, April 22, 2004
My brother told me that those people in other blogs in the
magazine...are all celebrities on Indonesian-web....and wow...they put me in the same page with come.....I wonder. That's a bit funny....but also cool.
12:02:00 am ::

Sunday, April 18, 2004
Yay ! Vivin is in the magazine....kind of funny anyway..there's then someone asked me to play in his independent movie...hmm...little bit suspicious...could be his private independent movie? or what? well anyway...there's another asking about how to make blog...hmm...I'm not that expert anyway. There's more just wanted to say hi.....and some leave their numbers on my tag....there's another asked to meet...and etc etc....well it's all fun anyway. I'm a bit famous he he he...well just a bit....just a bit....he he he.... Thanks to you all's just fun !
12:19:00 am ::

Thursday, April 15, 2004
Adjusting myself to these daily activities anymore after the
spring break holiday. I still feel I still had my holiday. Also adjusting myself not being with my
elskling again. Phew...little bit hard...but I think I can make it.
KomputerAktif will send me the magazine. Cool.....! Looking forward to that.
Yesterday, I got cute red shirt from Nadia and also some snacks from my students, they said it's my gift for my 24th birthday. How cute my students are....They said they missed me last week when I didn't come to their class because of my spring break.
12:31:00 am ::

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Have bought the magazine of
KomputerAktif today. I found myself in one of the page...just a tiny winy little space about me. It's cool anyway...though just a tiny winy little me over there with the comment about weblog.
Back to the regular activities. But honestly...... really........ honestly....having spring break holiday is much much much more pleasant and exciting than these activities. But anyway have to fill these days with something. Cha yo...cha yo....!
12:02:00 am ::

Sunday, April 11, 2004
Asbjorn has come back home...bwhaaa.......
:: Journal of Vivin's spring break and Asbjorn's holiday to Indonesia ::
Friday, April 2, 2004
Surabaya. Airport. Picked up elskling with Suci. Inna Simpang Hotel. 425. Right on the corner of the hall and the only with black door. A little walk with Suci as our guide to the Tunjungan Plaza. Had dinner in a nice place named Indigo.
Saturday, April 3, 2004
Take a walk in a hot Surabaya. Balai Pemuda. Kids painting exhibition. Go walk and walk and walk......Pasar Genteng Kali. Dirty place and crowded one. Have some coke and here's where Asbjorn learn how to be a parking guy : "kiri...kiri...kiri...." he he he he.....well a good profession anyway to earn some money in Indonesia. You do good, elskling.
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Go to Malang. Raining on the way to Malang. Arrived at the "cockroach hotel". 101. Change to room, water not run. Suite Room. 123. Well not really sure if it was Suite Room or not cause they saved the cockroach inside the bathroom before they sprayed it. Poor...Asbjorn...At least he got nice breakfast of "flied lice" (read:fried rice) and good shower. Afternoon. To Dieng Plaza, meet Suci and Rizky. Had some meal in Wendy's.
Monday, April 5, 2004
The voting day. The day that made my thumb dark blue and still not fall off yet. We call it the voting thumb. To Suci's place...trying to surprised her but we failed...he he he.....Have a lunch at Mc Donalds the American temple. Evening. Went to Confetti...the Ice Cream place with Suci and sister. The movie that playing was Italian Job.
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Went to Jogja with Kiki. By train. Was quite good train anyway. Arrived at about 23.00. Mutiara Hotel. 239. Again in the corner of the hall. A very nice hotel anyway. I did make a mess for the first time anyway. I had throw something in toilet but the flush did not work....phew ...had to call for a help and thankfully it worked.
Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Keraton Jogjakarta. The guide gave a little differentiate the female and male dragon which she said they're making a part of Keraton. We didn't make it and the guide tell us. We knew then and also explained the philosophy of it. Good Javannesse philosophy I think.
Taman Sari. The bath place for the ladies. Unfortunately they still renovating the place...but it was quite good anyway. Here's the place where elskling find someone who speaks a little Norwegian in Indonesia since he arrived.
Thursday, April 8, 2004
Borobudur temple. One of the wonders in the world. The sellers are annoying and the way out was tricked. We had to walk around the market where the sellers are annoying to find the exit way. Very nice temple. Huge one. Beautiful.
Kaliurang. To see Mount Merapi. Unfortunately it's a little but cloudy so we can not see the view of the mountain, but still it's beautiful way there.
Prambanan temple. Good guide. Learn so much about the temple and story of Ramayana with happy ending.
Went back to the hotel... tired but quite a journey anyway. Have a
lesehan dinner.
Friday, April 9, 2004
Have a little bit shopping with Kiki without Asbjorn. Dagadu. Some snacks to bring home and for elskling. Evening. Have a very nice dinner at the Jappannesse reaturant near the hotel. Very nice with a good service. I had a picture of both of us anyway. YAY!. Something to remember. The song was One More Night....just exactly as we are. Asbjorn choose it. Nice song.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Went back to Surabaya to catch Asbjorn's plane. The train was not very good and it was quite late anyway. Go to the airport and have a br-unch or breakfast and lunch at the same time. And here's the time....Asbjorn was leaving....hiks hiks....
Very very nice and great "spring break" anyway with a good company anyway. Learn so much and havng a really great time to remember. I might forget a little thing on the trip...well I will write more anyway.
10:41:00 pm ::

Monday, April 05, 2004
It's been 3 days or so...didn't check what had happen on the net..and also what had happen on my blog....not so many had happen. I didn't write more here yet...but I will.....I stil have my "Spring break" here with Asbjorn.
11:07:00 pm ::
