Monday, May 31, 2004
Phew. Well....a tiny winy little step about my thesis is done. Finally one of my most tough supervisors approved my case. I just don't get too excited about it, there's still more to do and work on. Just be patient. Gusti........ paringono sabar....
Been spending 6 hours with Suci Puchy today. Here and there and everywhere he he he.....just the way we used to be. And it's been cold today here in Malang ...brrr......
Wow just realized that I had not wrote this blog for a week. That's quite a time.
11:13:00 pm ::

Sunday, May 23, 2004
What to say. Just one thing...I miss my honey bunny. I don't know how many times I have wrote or said about that. Sedih lah....jauuuuuuuh sih....need some space shuttle right now. So...don't get bored for those who reads my blog..he he...
12:13:00 am ::

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Thank you. Thanks to
Panggi who had offered and gave me code to clear the banner above. Cool......!

.... so dissapointed that I can not use
wbloggar wel..l. I'm not really sure what's wrong with wbloggar or is it because of the new layout of
blogger so both could not communicate well. Or maybe should I change the hosting or something...hmm well...anyone can help? The error message was "java.lang.NullPointer Exception".
11:41:00 pm ::

Monday, May 17, 2004
May 17, Norway's National Day.
Honey bunny......
I wish I could fly to your arms right now....
I wish there's no distance between us....
I wish the time stopped when I'm with you.....
I wish I were closer to you.....
I wish......
11:09:00 pm ::

Thursday, May 13, 2004
Don't know what's wrong with wbloggar...I could not post's not fun at all :(
Lip lock could mean lockup in Indonesia.
Public kissing could bring 5 years in jail under new bill.
Heavy kissing could carry a maximum penalty of five years in jail or a 250 million rupiah ($29,000) fine. Anyone caught flashing would face similar penalties.
The bill also proposes bans on public nudity, erotic dances and sex parties, with jail terms ranging from three to 10 years. Watching such a display could lead to two years behind bars.
I heard this news few months ago...I'm still thinking that this is silly. Or whatsoever people think about it. Isn't there any other bill that the parliament think about or make? This is silly..they make bills for public kissing and stuff?
11:21:00 pm ::

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Asbjørn.He he ....well just a little try to type in some Norwegian letters...and I did it..Yay! Hopefully it won't turned into question mark (?) next time. Well actually Asbjørn more known as honey bunny than his name he he he....
12:18:00 am ::

Sunday, May 09, 2004
In nternet cafe....waiting for
Suci getting out from her class. We're about to hang out somewhere, there will be a lot to share between us...well just as usual when we met he he he. Been reading my previous posts in my blog...January 2003, February 2003 and other months. It's a little bit funny that actually I've been experiencing many things wheter it's good, bad or just ordinary things. Things had happened to me for the last 2 years, really hope that the next years ahead I will be experiencing better things in my life. So many hopes and wishes.
Suci have seen the ring that's been given by Asbjorn...and she said it's simple and nice....and so sweet. She also showed me her ring from her someone special. Nice's nice and the nicer thing is that they both wear the same rings. Aaawww....isn't that sweet. .. ;) ;) Cha yo Suci.....he he when will it be Suci Puchy? Next year?? he he.....Wish you the best, dear!
1:44:00 pm ::

Look alike. The other day one of my friends told me that I looked like someone who played in the series titled : Snow Angel. And I was just laughing and...huh?....I do?...that means I'm beautiful he he he ...cause I think she is pretty...he he's an honour that at least one person told me that I looked like someone who is on tv and pretty he he...

well actually 2 told me the same way. Really I don't think I am. I think it was just some kind of flash look by a friend of mine that she thought I looked like her. But it's still so fun anyway to know someone who is pretty looked like me he he. Ok...anyone who know can laugh as much as you want reading the way of my thought this time he he can say if I looked like her or not. But still I don't think so I am...
Better last week. Last friday I was wearing white high heel shoes and skirt and well...a little bit nicer than usually cause there was a meeting with students' parents. This week, I was just wearing flat shoes and skirt. And one of my students who is 7 years old told me something, here's what she said : "Miss...the shoes you wear last week was better than this was prettier." The other students told me also that he was also agreed with his friend. It's so funny. I was just always amazed by my students' attention in many things that I never noticed before such as clothes, shoes, hair, even my pen.
12:38:00 am ::

Wednesday, May 05, 2004
When I was walking down the street, near to the Elementary School which is near my house. I was passing through about five or six guys...and when I passed them, I remember they were giggling and I heard them said "Hmmm....smell so good he he..." and the other said "Yeah....very nice". They were in the middle of the talks and they were just stopped and saying that. I was just smiling and almost laughing hearing them said that...why? because they were just little guys and they're not even ten I think...he he he...They're maybe in the 2nd or 3trd grade. I have my admirers of my own he he ...little ones

10:33:00 pm ::

Sunday, May 02, 2004
Just connect internet, have not even check my mail, just wrote something in the blog then........."Move out...move out....I'm going to use the internet, I'm going to search for something!" it was my I had to move out.....well it happen the same way too yesterday. Well...I am a good sister so I had to do a little thing for my sister he he ..... well actually it was not that rude the way my sister said it...I was just make it that way....but I think that was the point. I had have not finished writing the blog while she asked me to move out....well here I continue it anyway.
The other day........
A phone call.....
Someone : Halo...
Vivin : Ya...halo..
Someone : Ini Vivin?
Vivin : Iya..bener...siapa ya?
Someone : Vivin..selebriti blogger itu yach....
Vivin : (then I recognize the voice) Mbak Rezi yach....
Rezi : He he iya....selebriti blogger yach...he he
Vivin : Ah enggak juga...gak segitunya lah.....biasa aja he he ....
Then we were in the middle of short conversation and we're going to meet tomorrow with my sister also.
11:24:00 pm ::

Don't feel like long weekend this time....phew......need more weekend....
Suci Puchy and I think everybody have seen Lord of The Rings and Love Actually and not me......hella...come on.......what's going on with me....
10:26:00 pm ::

Saturday, May 01, 2004
My elskling just send me this song...and he goes well with us....I think so too..elskling.....!!!!
Promise Me (Beverly Craven)You light up another cigarette
and I pour the wine
It's four o'clock in the morning
and it's starting to get light
now I'm right where I want to be
losing track of time
but I wish that it was still last night
You look like you're in another world
but I can read your mind
how can you be so far away
lying by my side
when I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...
Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon
When I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...
Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home
Promise me you'll wait for me
'cause I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon.

Jeg savner deg, much.....!!
1:15:00 am ::

Just fun testing myself "What kind of element I am"....well....I'm a Gold...! Actually I wish I were a silver, because I like silver, but gold is even I think it would be allright
12:50:00 am ::
