Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Harry Potter, The Prisoner of Azkaban. Finally, I have seen this movie. It's definitely a good one, the story is great and worth to see. Though I have to be in a quite long line, but I would say that it's worth to do. Some said it's a movie for children, but I don't think it is. The story is not simple and quite complicated in some parts to children. I even saw many children had been sleeping during the movie and some of them were wandering around and some also doing some "Stand up, Sit down" song of their they covered the people behind them. Well...maybe they were boring because of the long hours of this movie. When I was a kid I think I was also sleeping during the movie in the theater...he he...By the way Daniel Radcliff in this movie is growing up and he's quite cute. The girl who played as Hermione is a cute too and pretty grown up girl right now.
Weird guy. While I was queueing for Harry Potter, some guy was suddenly standing in front of me and trying to queueing too. He should be behind me. I was a bit "grrhh..." but it was ok then. I then found out that this guy is a bit weird. He's trying to tell some people in front of him to not breaking the line in a weird way. I could not describe really well here. Then I told Suci beside me that he's a bit weird and she agreed with me. Then I told her that she'd better not to leave me alone with that guy. But finally I got the tickets and *phew* rescued.
Return of the King. And finally I have seen this one too. Three hours movie and so worth to see after seeing the 2 other previous Lord of The Rings, Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers. The ending is a bit sad but not that sad, it's a good movie. And always been amazed by J.R.R Tolkien who wrote the stories. He describes many things so perfectly and writes things that other people never think about. The map, writings, languages..Elijah Wood played so well as Frodo Baggins.
Eiffel...I'm in love..[Extended]. Oh well..I never intended to see this movie. It was because I ran out the ticket of Lord of The Ring so I decided to see this movie. It's better than not seeing anything while I've already in the place *sigh*. In some parts of this movie there are things that I thought it was a little bit odd. Me and Ita think that all the teenager's dream are all in this movie. Tita is so very spoil....oh gee...I was a tennager but I don't think I am that way.
1:01:00 am ::

Sunday, June 27, 2004
Whois on my link.
Suci. A close friend of mine, we've been friends for ...hmm...I think it's almost 12 years now. Really.??'s already 12 years...that's quite a long time. She's a very nice girl. Can be so mature in many ways...and it's good for me. And she's my private conselor. The blog is the collection of her daily life and some cute stuff.
Brother. Absolutely my brother. Working in J-town. Artist management and web designer stuff. He used to have a so great website of his own but I guess he doesn't have it for the moment now. This one is the forum that he managed.
Asbjørn. This norwegian guy is my honey bunny. A very nice guy that I really missed. Can't wait to see him again and have a great time. A very nice and so-understanding guy for me. Well...he never updated his blog. :P
Heart Beat Station. One of the Indonesia's internet radio. My brother is one the staff. Many Indonesian songs played here.
Panggi. This 16 year-old student living in West Java. He's 16 but he's already have a website of his own and I think he's talented in it. The website is also the daily life of him.
Irene. She's working in J-town. She has almost the same story as mine about her schat. This pinky-lady writes her daily life and works. Written in English and some Indonesian. Nice blog and good reading.
Dody. Crazy guy that I known when I was in High School. He lives and studies in Surabaya. He's the craziest man I've ever known. I'd been working as committe with him. He's so "muka badak", there always been a jokes that he has. He likes to write and he writes long long posting in his blog about his daily life.
The Swanker. A website mostly about Indonesia's politics stuff written by an Australian with his "macam-macam" stuff also in the website. It also wrote about some Indonesians blog. My blog was
Brandon. An American who is living in Java and currently he's in United States these days. He has lots of things about Indonesia. Has many beautiful photos of Indonesia. The site is also contain of Brandon's daily life.
Dee. This English literature's student is living in the same city. She writes her daily life also in her blog. Incubus is her favourite.
Wanna. The blue and black blog.
Next will be filled up later on......
1:09:00 am ::

Saturday, June 19, 2004
Finally I am a lot better now after seeing a doctor the other day. I almost got back my old nice voice he he he.....hopefully it will be better and better. I got three kinds of pills and I think one of them is somekind of sleeping pills or Valium? Cause after I took the medicine...made me soooo sleeeeppy.....and it ended by me snuggling up into bed. Tomorrow will be the last day of me taking my there would be no extra sleepy moments anymore.
Vivin's mood recently is
in love. Cool....! Needs lots of hugs right now..he he ....
Tiba-tiba ada email notification dari
BlogBugs kalau aku udah join....padahal perasaan belum ya udah aku aktifin aja sekalian...dah gitu di profile ada fotonya pula....Aih sapa ya yg udah daftarin blog-nya aku. Gak masalah sih...cuman lucu aja...nggak ngerasa daftar tapi kok ada email notification gitu...Hayo ngaku...sapa ya....
Nauval comments on my blog:simple but subtle....he he thank rare I heard a compliment from him....well I take that as a compliment anyway.
12:18:00 am ::

Thursday, June 10, 2004
These days:
Sniff..sniff ......
Oh well.....
June 10. Brother's birthday. Happy Birthday, bro!
Best of luck in every step of your life from this cute and sweet little sister he he....
11:18:00 pm ::

Wednesday, June 09, 2004
There was dusty rain here in Malang around 4 pm until 6 pm. It was like red dust falling from the sky and it hurt the eyes. And the colour of the sky was seem a little bit red and covering almost all part of the city. So now, the street was coeverd by red coloured dust and it's quite dirty. I found out that
Bromo erupted at about 3 pm. Two people was killed there. Hmm....I was thinking about going there someday with Suci and her boyfriend and also with Asbjørn. Hope there will be nothing happened by the time we're there.
12:00:00 am ::

Saturday, June 05, 2004
I saw a French movie title Nos Enfants Cheris (Our lovely children...if I didn't get wrong). There's a French Movie Festival until tomorrow here in Malang. Last year I had seen "L'e Pianiste" and it was really cool. But the movie I'd seen today...not really like that. I just don't like the ending, it was too weird in some was a drama and comedy, but not as good as I thought. And this is my first time going to the cinema and sitting there all by my self without anyone I can talk to and I was being snacky there. I went with my sister but she sit with her friends in separate place. So here I was sitting in a different place and no one I could talk to in the dark. The only thing I like from this movie was there were some babies and children. And they were sooooooooooo cute.....honestly cutie babies.....Maybe tomorrow will be another French movie, but will be with my friend, Suci....I think it will be "Nikita", some said this is the beginning story of the "La Feme Nikita" series on TV. But I'm not sure...I'll check it out tomorrow.
11:46:00 pm ::
