Sunday, August 29, 2004
It will be another Monday. No more weekend yach...back again to the regular activities. And it's gonna be September soon. Time does fly so fast.
Being in the wedding reception this afternoon. It was someone I did not know. Mom said he's a friend of my uncle. The invitation came few days before and again as usual it always been a little bit crowd in my room when me and my sister have to wear nice dress and stuff in order to be appropriate in the venue and be the right woman in the right place. Whether this clothes with this earrings or not with the necklace or not, whether it's nice colour or not. Oh woman...! And moreover....I have to walk more to the place since the road in front of the building is closed because of the carnival of Indonesia's Independence Day in Malang. So dad only took us quite farther way to the place. Poor us....with the nice dresses we have to walk farther. Thankfully we came home safely after the reception.
11:05:00 pm ::

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Hmmmppff.....Haloscan, the comment stuff, is not working apparently today. Hope will work again soon.
Oops...HaloScan is working again ;)
11:26:00 pm ::

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
The Independence Day of Indonesia. August 17. Happy Birthday ya Indonesia!! Tetep merah putih benderanya, tetep Indonesia Raya lagu kebangsaannya, tetep berpulau-pulau negaranya, tetep banyak penduduknya, tetep termasuk negara yang masih berkembang, tapi seru lah living in Indonesia. Hidup Indonesia! Merdeka! (Garing yach?...he he he he)
Celebrating Suci's birthday. One day with
Suci and Nadia.
Date : Sunday, August 15, 2004
Time : 13.30 - 19.30
Meeting point : Gramedia book store 2nd floor
Venue : Jappanesse Fast Food and Jacky Chan's "Around The World in 80 days"
Dress code : white and girly (in coincidence Nadia, Suci and me were wearing white tops)
Watching the stars. Tonight I can see the stars up in the sky. It's really pretty. I saw them for quite a long time until I hurt my neck cause I had to point my head upward. There's no cloud in the sky. It's all clear and clean so I think that's why the stars could be seen beautifully. Made me remember years ago while I saw the falling star late at night. It was very pretty and I was then remember that I had to wish upon a star, but I forget now what I wished for at that day. Has it been come true? Hmm....well I did not remember what I was wishing for so how I could know that it has been come true. Silly...Vivin.
10:26:00 pm ::

Thursday, August 12, 2004
A bit dissapointed if I found there's a new fellow who tag me or leave me comment here without any email addresses or website or weblog or something like that. Could be there's some reason....they have no webpage or email. But I will be more appreciate that they all could leave me with a bit identity.
Kebawa suasana Saturday night kemaren nih kayaknya. Kemaren tuh bawaannya kangeeeeeenn...banget ama Asbjørn....jadi pengen ketemu lagi cepet cepet...he he dasar yach. Ya beruntunglah for those of you who can meet your honey at least once a week or maybe everyday. Bwhaa jadi sedih nih...Honey...I miss you..really really miss you, you know. Jeg savner deg.......semakin sedih nih..hiks hiks.....
Tomorrow is Suci's birthday. Happy Birthday ya...dear friend. You're such a good friend to me so far. It's been almost 12 years we've been friends. And it's good to have such a good friend like you.
12:14:00 am ::

Friday, August 06, 2004
Today's lesson : when somebody winking at you

and you feel not right and not secure with it then try to stick our your tounge out

to the person whom wink at you. That's Vivin's tips...Well not guarantee it will work he he ...but it's relieving some way....
12:13:00 am ::

Tuesday, August 03, 2004
A bit boring with this lay out.....planning to change it..hmm......
12:36:00 am ::
