Wednesday, September 29, 2004 longer having a bad mood about the previous post now. I'm just doing it now....and better not to envy so much with others.
My honey made me relief and comfort me somehow about that matter. So don't worry people I'm ok and not endangered anyone now he he he.....
1:09:00 am ::

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Feeling bad mood today. Kenapa? Soalnya minggu ini pendaftaran wisuda and automatically banyak yang daftar wisuda. Vivin? jelas belum lah. Nah....karena itulah, jadi tambah be-te. Soalnya sumpek bo, liat orang-orang udah pada bawa skripsi-an yang dijilid, tanda tangan dekan de el el. Yang ada tampang semakin sumpek ngeliat sebagian temen-temen dah senyam-senyum menghadapi hari wisuda, sedangkan Vivin? hmmm.....masih aja dengan bendelan bab II yang direvisi-revisi. Beberapa temen-temen, bilang sih, "Nah kan dirimu udah pernah wisuda dan compre di Brawijaya, jadi udah pernah ngerasain kan?"...Yeee...ini mah bukan-nya masalah pernah ngerasain wisuda atau enggak. Tapi ini moral, man...loh kok moral? maksudnya beban moral-nya Vivin. Pas hari-hari Vivin rajin, eh..dosen pembimbingnya lagi banyak urusan, enggak mau terima bimbingan, jadi tertunda lagi deh. Tapi pas Vivin lagi dateng males-nya, lah dosen-dosen duduk dengan manisnya di meja mereka. Walah..kalo gini mah..kapan selesainya.
Sometimes I am so optimistic that I can make this thesis somehow. Then again, I'm only human who can hear, see, and feel. I sometimes hear something that made me feeling down. I sometimes see what others had been through and I'm not really sure if I could through the same. And I sometimes can feel the not-good atmosphere surround me. I should have not feel that way, cause I know that it may cease my works to achieve the goal. But again..I'm only human who is not perfect. I sometimes up, I sometimes down. I am a woman who is like waves that comes up and comes down some other times (this is what I learnt from Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus of John Gray, Phd...he he). When I'm down, I am so down below the ground, but when I'm up, I am over the top. I remember I had done my final project couple years ago, that motivate me a little, that somehow I can make it in the end. Well... today I'm trying to raise up my mood by playing the Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. And it's fun

. I think tomorrow I will try to cheer up myself by doing a hair spa after going to the library doing some stuff. And I think the good mood will be little bit brighter again.
Wait...I want to scream!. Close your ears. Aaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhhh ............!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
10:09:00 pm ::

Friday, September 17, 2004
Hey...! hey..! all readers of my journal or visitor or... anyone! . This is my new lay-out. It's still blue..well..don't blame me, it's my favorite colour. Give me comments, good or bad or just anything...I would appreciate it very much. Got this skin from
Blogskins and I have edited in some places.
Called by two of my old friends yesterday. It was cool as I had to identify the voice that's been long time I did not hear on the phone. Both were calling with different intention. Too bad it's raining hard yesterday, so one of my old friends and me has to cancel the plan to go outside, but we'll do next time anyway.
12:07:00 am ::

Sunday, September 12, 2004
Enough...!! .enough...!! of this whole bombing thing !!!! . I have enough of seeing people losing their loved ones and got injured. I can't stand to see all of them on television. Stop this !!!!! My heart hurts to see all those who suffered, husband lost their wives and vice versa. See their friends and loved ones have injured. Please...! just let this more again.....
12:07:00 am ::

Friday, September 10, 2004
Another bomb blasted (again...) in Indonesia, injured many people and killed 9 people in front of Australian Embassy in South Jakarta. Shame...shame...shame....curse those who did it. Who ever behind this bombing are no human being and definitely such a coward. They have been using their brain for something that suffered others. Shame on them.
Condolence to those who were the victims of this tragedy and to their family who also suffer. May they'd be given more strength.
10:52:00 pm ::

Thursday, September 02, 2004 could I sleep with this un-breathable nose.
11:19:00 pm ::
