Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Udah lama banget nih nggak blogging. Maklum-lah barusan liburan lebaran, rasanya masih berasa liburan terus, masih nggak pengen kembali ke dunia nyata. Harus ke kampus, ngajar lagi...trus yang ini dan itu....iiih...tapi no matter what..tetep life must go on...maksudnya back to the routine deh.
These recent days, had been seen Friends the series...session 10, episode 1-8. Man....it's so funny....really really funny. I had a laughing out loud times for many times. I do really love these series. And I saw this series twice at least. So sad that they had to stop this series in the session 10. But anyway it's really good series I've ever seen and for the record I am a fan of Ross Geller....he he he....
11:38:00 pm ::

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
For those who celebrate Idul Fitri. I may say HAPPY IDUL FITRI everyone !!!!!. It's time to forgive and forgiven. So, I assume that you will all forgive things I've said wrong, things I've wrote badly...etc etc. I've been not blogging for so long as this day come, there are some relatives who visited my family and grandma next door, so I'm trying to become good host. Well....as usual I'm dealing and baby sits the little ones. There are about 20 people came on the D-day. It was very crowded. You think the crowded came from the little ones and the babies.....noooo...you are absolutely wrong. The crowded came from the big ones, especially the ladies and mommies. Well..it was fun anyway somehow, but it was always ended up tired at night and sleeping very fast.
11:51:00 pm ::
