Wednesday, December 22, 2004
12:53:00 am ::

Monday, December 20, 2004
As if......As if I am not too sensitive.....
As if I don't hear what others said about me.....
As if others don't expect me doing what they wanted to......
As if I don't notice what others said about what I do.....
Would that make everything be better?
I don't think it would, do you??
11:18:00 pm ::

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Now Far...or....Nauval?I want to comment on
Nauval's blog a bit, entitled Now Far. I inspired by the poll that he made on his blog. First look at tickled me. Well....that's a good one. Don't know what inspired him by offering those poll. I wonder how the result is. I even don't dare my self to get involved filling the poll. I don't know what to answer, really. Is that because we know each other too well?? (Hua ha ha ha ha .......ok, get serious-lah...*in Sing-lish accent). Anyway....he wrote various stuff on his blog, from the movie that he crazy about as always, until the Halloween party and everyday life of this guy in S'pore. Quite amusing. But sometimes I can't stand the length of posting he wrote. Well...way to go, Nauval !!! Keep blogging !
*Nauval is my senior in our beloved Pionneer Conversation Club of SMUN 1 Malang. Have the creative ideas that sometimes it's wrongly put or I'm the one who don't understand about the ideas?
11:51:00 pm ::

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Nggak tahu kenapa yaa..recently, feeling blue gituu...Entah kenapa, mau gini nggak excited, mau gitu ndak pengen. Padahal di rumah ada Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix (he he kesian ya saya barusan baca sekarang..) Atau karena keseringan dateng ke kawinan ya..nah kan...apa coba hubungannya. Atau karena final project saya yang ndak selesai juga. Dan entah kapan berakhirnya. Stress? Iya sih...berat badan turun..sejak puasa kemaren berat badan bisa stabil ampe minggu nggak tau kenapa minggu terakhir langsung turun lagi. Padahal kalo Vivin dah turun berat badannya, susah banget mo naiknya. Temen-temen lama yang ketemu ma saya pasti bilang kalau saya kurus banget....ih..sebel-nya...
2:16:00 pm ::

Friday, December 03, 2004
It's been soooooooooooooo long not blogging and not checking the blog, even not blogwalking myself. I don't even know what to write and say now. Have I lost something in my head or is it the idea or the spirit I had has lost in the middle of nowhere inside of me? Life is just going this way and blah..blah..blah....Well there's a little exciting in my life anyway. My thesis is going forward..Yay!. There's a progressing and I'm glad of it. I did not say that much progressing but at least I'm glad that I'm done with that little stuff. Anyway, this Sunday, I'm planning to meet my close friend, Suci. I'm sure we had a lot to catch up and lots share, we have not seeing each other for a long time.
11:12:00 pm ::
