Thursday, January 27, 2005
This is us last April 2004...
And we'll be again this January
*mode : veeeeeeeery happy
2:40:00 am ::

Monday, January 24, 2005
Tick tack..tick tack...Yes...that's true......the counting days is begin. For less than a week I'm going to meet my honey again...YAY! We'll meet at the Sukarno-Hatta on Friday afternoon, January 28 and the next day we'll be in Nadia's wedding. And we will spend some days together for sure. There's a mission to accomplished and hopefully everything will run well as we expected. The travelling then is about to begin...he he he......Can't wait for those days...!
11:38:00 pm ::

Wednesday, January 12, 2005
2nd anniversary "A journal of Vivin" !
11:10:00 pm ::

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Tomorrow is my blog's birthday......Lama gak update blog...entahlah lagi gak ada ide buat blogging-blogging ria. Kalo blogwalking sih tetep lah ya...
Ada temen married di Jakarta tanggal 29 entar. Rencana dateng en sekalian kumpul-kumpul and have fun ama temen-temen en mungkin juga ama honey. Kalo yang terakhir itu pengen banget. Tapi belum pesen tiket sih...pokok'e ada rencana gitu lah. Semoga aja berjalan lancar..soalnya udah kuangen banget..sumpah...
Eh..btw besok birthday-nya blog-nya aku nih. Udah dua tahun blogging euy...Lama banget yach...berawal dari keisengan karena keseringan baca blog-nya orang lain jadi pengen bikin sendiri and it was 2 years ago. Kayaknya baru kemaren aja blogging-blogging and utek-utek blog. Bahkan bikin address
sweetanddelicious aja langsung at that moment dan nggak diganti ampe sekarang. Lucu aja sih kedengerannya. Oh iya ada yang birthday-nya barengan ama birthday-nya blog-ku yaitu si
Dody. High school friend yang sekaligus pernah jadi adek kelasku. Kenapa begitu? Dody nggak naek kelas? he he...tanya aja sendiri ama orangnya.
10:54:00 pm ::

Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year 2005 !With the new hopes for those who has suffer from the nature destruction of Tsunami and the earthquake in some part of Indonesia, India, Thailand and some other places in South East Asia. I really wish for the best and great condolence for those who lost their families and friends.
11:00:00 pm ::
