Friday, April 29, 2005
And the day will be on.....May 3. The cross exam will be on May 3!
Nervous? Yes.
Too relax?Yeah, sort of.
Ready?Never feel ready.
Glad?Yeah, finally I made to this point.
Counting the days?Yup.
Wanted to be over soon?Yeah!
Do I make the reader confused?Hmm...yeah maybe.
11:00:00 pm ::

Saturday, April 23, 2005
Waiting....My thesis is done...and now I'm waiting for the schedule of the cross-exam or the D-day. The day that will decide whether I will pass or not. It's quite nervous waiting for that time. I really hope that I will be able to knock my lecturers down on that day. I hope I will be able to answer all the questions they ask. I was waiting for the schedule because I was quite curious about the day and also who will be the "judges" on that day. But the schedule was not announced yet. So maybe next Monday. I am very nervouuuuusss...! Wish me luck, people!! I really hope I could handle this well !
10:59:00 pm ::

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Blah...Having a bad day. The schedule is out of plan. Hate it....
The "radio" is spreading the news and looks fine infront of me but behind me....I'm not really sure.
12:00:00 am ::

Thursday, April 07, 2005
Insomnia...Weh malem in kena insomnia nih..ndak bisa bobo'. Entah kenapa...mungkin emang ada beberapa hal di otak sih. Cuman kayaknya ini yang paling parah deh....Pengen banget bobo' cuman mata di-merem-meremin tetep aja nggak bisa, yang ada malah glebak sana glebak sini. Akhirnya ngapain lagi selain onlen and ngisi blog. Tadi sebelumnya dah onlen sih...trus maunya bobo' eh ternyata ndak bisa bobo'...yang ada malah ngidupin lampu lagi...terus konek internet deh. Diapain ya biar bisa bobo'...?
Tadi sempet baca..lupa blog-nya siapa.... Iya inget..ini nih postingannya Cecil
di sini. Judulnya "when's my turn?" Nah disitu saya jadi inget. It was exactly the same question I had and the comments there were mostly almost the same that I had from others. But it's not work..really...not feeling better at all about it. Tetep aja saya ngejomblo...yang lainnya pada seneng-seneng ama saya mah tetep aja ndower, gigit jari....Nggak ngerti juga kata-kata apa yang tepat for the person in that position. I definitely know how it feels. Karena saya terkenal di antara temen-temen saya bahwa tiap ketemu saya yang ada adalah status:remain jomblo. Ampe inget waktu temen lama ketemu sama saya terus ngajakin saya "affair" ...trus dia bilang..."eh iya ya...aku lupa kamu dah nggak jomblo lagi yach..wah sori vin..kebiasaan kamu jomblo sih..." *Gubrak. Nusuk di hati,man.
3:10:00 am ::
