Sunday, May 29, 2005
Musical stuff....April passed me this musical meme days ago. Here's the thing:
Total volume of music files on my computer: don't know exactly.
Song playing right now: Sade-By Your Side
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
1. After The Dance by Fourplay
2. Promise Me by Beverly Craven
3. When you say you love me by Josh Groban
4. Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder
5. Just The Way You are by Billy Joel
Five people to whom I'm passing the baton:
Nauval, and
10:53:00 pm ::

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
How lucky....Yesterday, ketemu sama temen lama, Hilda. Sempet ngobrol dikit dan ternyata dia dosen sekarang en salutnya lagi katanya dia apply ADS scholarship S2 ke Aussie ketrima dan mungkin akan berangkat sekitar bulan September atau Januari. envy gitu loh...How lucky she is. Kayaknya life goes really well for her. Ya..nasib orang beda-beda kali ya..I think there are still lots of things that I could thank for what I am now-lah. I am lucky in other way. Or I think everyone is lucky in a different way. Ya...saya cuman salut banget sama dia. Saya apply AFS lolos sampe tes ke-2 eh..bukannya malah nyoba ngikut eh malah ditinggal pergi karena ada kepentingan keluarga...yah dasar Vivin.
11:12:00 pm ::

Thursday, May 19, 2005
Deleted...Deleting current posting due to the
un-convenient inconvenience lay out .....
11:06:00 pm ::

Sunday, May 15, 2005
Nge cek......For some days I did not go online and not even check email, blog and stuff. Well...there are some reason. Been not looking at my blog...I missed my blog

Well anyway I'm back.......!!!!

not always posting in my blog but at least blogwalking.
And by the way I feel I need a .....
12:16:00 am ::

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Finally...It's done. The cross exam is done! Boohoo! And it's happy ending. Not so many "deadly" questions (thank God). There's still some revise here and there a little but I have done it and I passed it. I am so grateful and I'm sure that I can sleep really well tonight.
It was one hour and I really wanted to be over soon. And I'm glad that it's over now. :). Thank you to those who have been supporting me, family, friends, honey bunny, and of course blog friends who have been wishing me luck. There will be many names. Thank you all !! You're all helping me in a way that you might not realized :). Thank you!
10:21:00 pm ::
