Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Will miss you folks..Lots of guests today. Tomorrow will leave Indonesia for about nine days. Wish me luck! And surely I will miss my sweet blog and all of you folks...see ya...
11:46:00 pm ::

Sunday, July 17, 2005
Lately...Recently I'm writng about not good thing...bad public service, un-granted wish list, guilty, and my lost mobile phone...well..anyway...recently I hear a song by Keith Martin...(I'm being mellow now

..not sad) titled ..well I actually don't know what the title is..he he.... Just the lyrics is very pretty

. It goes like this:
My life without your love
I don't wanna think about it
I don't wanna think about it
My skin without your touch
I don't wanna think about it
I don't wanna think about it
More or less...that's some parts of the lyrics I heard. Very pretty...simple words with very deep meaning. Good for Keith Martin who wrote the lyrics. Such a sweet guy.
11:42:00 pm ::

Thursday, July 14, 2005
My Motorola C 381 is gone. Someone stole it today. How sad. It's a simple mobile phone, not a new one. No camera in it. But I like this one. It's so Vivin. It's blue and I like it. S*** !!.... F*** !!...I sworn to the guy. I don't like the feeling of loosing the precious thing from me.
10:37:00 pm ::

I lost my mobile phone....!!!Someone stole my mobile phone few hours ago...!!! After I downloaded 2 songs and after the gprs is ready to use. I am angry and so sad today.
Updated later tonight.....if I still have heart to tell a story about it.
5:31:00 pm ::

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
A little guilty...Just yesterday my sister told me about her friend's bf who broke her up in so sudden and without any notice or sign or anything and without any explanation. And it rings my bell. I was experienced the same situation but I was in her bf's position. The difference is that I gave him the explanation but I know now that it was so very childish and I did hurt the heart. I feel guilty and if I have the chance to meet him I would surely apologize. Well...anyway...it happened back in the year of 2002. Life goes on and I'm over him and I'm sure he's over me. But if I met him somewhere along the way I would apologize. Well..it was long time ago anyway and hopefully I am forgiven someway.
11:23:00 pm ::

Sunday, July 03, 2005
UntitledI feel so lazzzyyy......after the tummy ache for almost a week.
Hold on...here's wish list!
- Michael Buble's songs
- Must see Madagascar...David "Ross" Schwimmer of Friends is one of the voices.
- Glen Fredly's ticket on July 9 in Malang, 80.000IDR each or make it two so 160.000IDR..he he
- JakJazz March 2006 ticket for just one day not the whole week just one day..just one day.
Well..ok number one and two, I can do that..number 3 is ok...but number 4 is too good to be true...
11:04:00 pm ::
