Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Duh....!Duh...ceritanya bored banget. Padahal kan gak boleh gitu yee....Pengen something new, something excited, something awesome-lah. Tapi ngapain yaaa...bingung euy...Pengen do something new and cool. Tapi apa yaaach...
Lately...kok banyak temen yang udah married ternyata in the middle of their road itu adaaaaaaa aja. Something never been think about before. Wueh...jadi takut mo married (Hah? Apa? Vivin? Married?). Enggak...... tenang aja...just relax...not married lah at least not yet...he he.....Yang selingkuh...yang TTM......yang dicurigain ama suami ampe HP disita....waduh mak! Ih..ngeri juga ya. Ya udah lah...that's others life hopefully not with my life. I'm grateful as I am now, as being Vivin, as being human, as being me...yes ME...!! Yeah sometimes envy-lah with others life...tapi gak envy banget ama yang begitu di atas...that's why I'm so grateful in that matter. Feeling lucky..dah!
Tapi tetep aja...still boorrreeeeed!!!!
11:48:00 pm ::

Monday, August 29, 2005
Crack - Keeper - ....Roof - Field - Dawn - Novelty - Year - Ramp - Parrot - Timeless - Shovel - Lover - Romantic - Cover - Rope - End - Dove - Emotion - Never - Rise - Engine - Enough - Household - Diving - Government - Tomb - Bomb - Business - Slower - Rhyme - Enjoy - You - Upper - Rose - Enchant - Trace - ....
Easy task. Can you continue??
11:29:00 pm ::

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Why do you like your boyfriend/fiance/husband/someone you crush on......??Cause he smells different??? *twink twink
Cause he looks odd, so you can recognize him from far away????

Cause he laughs with you??? or I mean...laugh at you???? *LOL
Cause he sends you shiver??? *ooh la la.....
Cause he judges you as a pretty girl and still insist though you say you're not???

*alah ! (read with Extravaganza style)
Cause he phones just to say: "I just call to say..I love you.." ???? **Cieee...
Cause he pays for your dinner, lunch, breakfast, house, credit card, skin care, phone bill?????

Cause he wants you to gain weight and that means you can eat ANYTHING???? *boo hoo!!
Cause he hugs you when you need it??? *aawww.....
Cause you're clumsy and it's ok with him??

Cause it's fine with him to say that you have no boyfriend when someone asked you if you had one???? *oops..
*If you're a male just change the "he" into "she". And the "boyfriend" into "girlfriend". Or other related to that. Period. honorably reader whether you speak English, Indonesian or Javannese, or Jappanesse, or German or French or Maduranesse, or Balinnesse, or Arabic or Chinnesse or Spanish or any other language that I have not mention yet....Do you have any other ideas about it???
11:30:00 pm ::

Thursday, August 18, 2005
Indonesia's Independence DayBoo..hoo..!!

"Tujuh belas Agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita...
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia..
Merdeka..Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka "
Ciieee....Indonesia's birthday now. Happy Birthday to Indonesia...
Indonesia is 60 now.
Yeah!! ...Lots of hopes to this country in years ahead.
And again....MERDEKA! day late..but that's fine...the spirit is there still
11:09:00 pm ::

Monday, August 15, 2005
Blogger survey..Wow...Nita make her survey
here. Very interesting and such a great idea to do so. Well done, Nita.
11:29:00 pm ::

Friday, August 12, 2005
Happy Birthday..
Happy Birthday my dear friend
Suci !!!!!!!. Hopefully all you wish may come true this year

. Especially your very special wish

10:48:00 pm ::

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Norge? Nei.., it was...The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yup..I went to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The land of deserts. Continuing the story I was posted before.
When I was at the White Palace Hotel in Mekkah, I was about to take the key that I gave to the receptionist while I was out. Then I asked the guy at the receptionist. He has the face of Arabic or Turkish or Middle East kind of face. And I assume that he speaks at least English since it's the workers should be able to speak English a little I think.
Me : One four O two, please (with showing of my fingers representing the room number I wanted)
Him: Berapa? Empat belas kosong dua? (How many? Fourteen o two?)
Me: *Laughing and....said....ya ya..benar...(yeah right)
Since then he always directly gave the key of my room without me asking him, I was just standing in front of the receptionist table and he gave directly the key of my room correctly. Well...saving time. Maybe I was the only one Indonesian who was trying to ask the room number in English. Not that trying being smart by asking in English but I did not expect him to speak Indonesian. Funny thing anyway.
11:25:00 pm ::

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
It was hot...I had a 9 days trip last time. I went to Saudi Arabia for 9 days. Four days in Mekkah, 3 days in Medinah (we stay at Movenpick Hotel), and 2 days in Jeddah and plus one day in Jakarta since the plane was delayed for one day. We're supposed to be only one day in Jeddah but since the plane was one-day delayed so we had to stay one more day at the
Al-Harithy Hotel. It's good that the hotel was very nice and cozy place to stay. Medinah is the best place to do shopping. And in Mekkah that is in Jabal Rahmah, I almost fooled by the Nigerian who carried Polaroid camera. They have good English and they're trying to guide until the end of the hill and they forced to take the picture and pay for SR. 30 that equals IDR. 75000. For one photo Polaroid shoot?

No way !....Glad that I realized their plan after some time so I could avoid paying that stupid price. Two people in our bus-tour was fooled by those Nigerians.
It always fascinates me to see different people and different way of living. Different culture and different atmosphere. It was very hot and so deserted, it was about 35-36 Celcius degrees it's even hot for me the tropical girl

. It was summer there. The coolest thing over there is that they're driving right-way. That makes me a little bit confused to get in the car and crossing the street. I was almost hit by a car because I turn my head on a different way. It's good that the car blown the horn. The drivers are not good drivers so far I know. They drove not so nicely. But it's good that I was safe at that time. The cars are not as many as here in Jakarta or most Indonesia's cities anyway. Jeddah is like Jakarta without the traffic jam. Jeddah is more beautiful anyway. But the King Abdul Aziz airport is not describing the International Airport. Juanda Airport in Surabaya is even better. Well..I'm talking about the toilets.
I have few photos in my multiply's page...just some. I have a little amusing stories about language barrier over there...but I will write later.
12:35:00 am ::

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Home...Coming home now...
Back to blogging and blogwalking....
10:27:00 pm ::
