Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Hey...I am still exist!
I know..I know..it's been a long time I haven't updated my blog yet *sigh. But it doesn't mean that I'm not exist. I'm still exist and still peeking up this "sweet and delicious" place and see who's coming in and coming out. Thank you for all who already commenting and tagging here. It's been really a pleasure to know that I am still being cared by others or what I mean is that my blog is being cared by the visitor he he he.....

Keep visiting and commenting I'd love to read anything from you. For new comer, please do leave your track here..well of course if you don't mind..I'm not that pushy. And I am really sorry for the blogs that I haven't link here. Promise..will link yours here as you have link mine in yours soon. Peace!

My PC was not in a good mood before...that's the reason why I was not here for quite long. The pc is a lot better now though I still need to upgrade the memory a little....but bit hard to find one. Anyway I'm also a little busy preparing my "moving". Not that busy but have to think about this and that

....new thing in life with hope it will go well. I need to "move" politely in that matter. Have to say "goodbye" to some friends but there'll not be farewell party cause we'll meet again. But don't worry I will keep blogging as best as I can and keep an eye on this blog.

Wish me luck!
11:20:00 pm ::
