Friday, December 16, 2005
Jakarta and Training means....Less sleeping...Many assignments...
More studying......Not that easy being a teacher, you know.
But great classmates and housemates though.....
Evrything is good anyway.....
So if anyone is wondering. I am fine. Busy with the activities..assignments...needs amusement by the way. Or I was trying to say need a date? He he he he....duh segitunya yah. It will be part of the amusement anyway :D.
10:28:00 pm ::

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Packiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing...!!!Packing this..packing that....going here and going there....will be leaving Malang on December 8 and heading to Jakarta and stay there for about 2 months before settling in Kediri. Wish me luck people. Ticket is ready. But there's still few things I have not packed yet. Tomorrow will be the last day before I go.
10:50:00 pm ::

Friday, December 02, 2005
Am I?Am I that easily forgotten by people?....Hmm...just wondering.
11:28:00 pm ::
