Sunday, April 23, 2006
Forget the age..Since I am recently become 26, so I now (trying to) forget about my age when someone ask me about it. I ended up by saying..."oops sorry..I am a year older than that...I'm 26". Geez...kind of age forgetful syndrome I'm having now. But that's ok that keep me younger than I am or the opposite of it? he he he...
12:03:00 am ::

Monday, April 10, 2006
Finally I'm writing...! 
Hey Vivin is here now and finally after a long time I so rare or...(never?) write anymore here in my blog. I am ok and fine, I just have had so little time to find a good and new template for my blog since the "accident" happened to my blog where all the link were changed into yahoo links and some codes were gone and made my blog were so obviously awful then I changed it into a usual blogger template which I dont quite like it. But then...this weekend I promised to my self to make my blog better and worth to read...hehehehee.....Thanks for those who keep visiting though I was so lazy (read:had no time) to write in my blog.
I usually go back home to Malang during the weekend. Especially long weekend like this week in Indonesia. Next weekend is another easter long weekend..Yippie...!! more sleeping time...hehehehe.....
So far I am doing well in the new city where I live and work..named Kediri. It's so small town even smaller than Malang. Just imagine....I used to live in Malang, well quite small city but quite civilized if I may say so...then I lived in the big city of Jakarta for about 3 months..where I can find anything there ...even more than Malang....everything means everything...good temperature....traffic jam......great clothes and cheap....but not missed also few or some "land crocodile" or

"that kind of guy" there. But then I moved to the city which is smaller than Malang and oh darn! so difficult to find public transportation. I have to go here and there by pedicab. And it was so difficult to find a worth place of living

....which I mean include windows, appropriate bed room, clean bathroom and nice society or I meant by the neighbourhood who don't have to interfere to our problem. Then finally...I said finally...when I was almost desperate finding the good place for myself and colleagues...then .in the end of my desperation....I found a suitable for us to live...a good living place and of course not a jail...I now sleep in a room not a cell anymore. Phew!

Inspite of that situation....still...the city is stuff...epecially food...I even amazed myself by the price...well that's a good thing I can save more and I then can buy
this Sassy Mauve and
thisNaturally Nude.
11:06:00 pm ::
