Sunday, June 25, 2006
Weekend here...Not going to Malang this weekend. So I am just staying here in this town this weekend. I cleaned up my room..did the laundry..washing..ironing...watching Oprah's..well anyway...I am being such a girl...some relaxing day anyway. Hung out and window shopping to some electronic
I am planning to dye my hair again...but still confused...dye or highlighted..and what colour...purple or thinking...hope in the end I'll get to the right colour so it'll suit with me and makes me look better. Who knows I can wink to a cool guy of my life...he hehehehehe....get dreaming Vivin..:D :P
Next week there will be one of my relatives wedding party in Solo. I am going to be there since I have someone making my gown...gown? hmm...i think just dress...Thanks to Teri Hatcher who inspired me for this dress...I tried to design it myself of course from the dress that she wore. I saw it on Woman's Weekly last May. Hope it'll be nice for me.
8:31:00 pm ::

Saturday, June 10, 2006
When the earthquake happen...Yeah's so late ya..updating about this earthquake. Thanks to those who ask how I was doing when the earthquake happen. this is the story. Yes Kediri is quite close to the earthquake of Jogja 2 weeks ago. It was early in the morning when I was still in my bed. I felt my bed was shaking. I was thinking if it was an earthquake since I have experienced before when I lived in Malang. So I got up to make sure about everything. And was an earthquake and it's very hard for me. Of course not as hard as what happened in Jogja. So I went out my bedroom. I saw a hanging lamp in the sitting room was shaking quite hard. My heart was started to beating faster, I was terrified, but no one got out from their room. So I decided to just stay silent and still stay outside in the terrace and when the earthquake shaked harder I will wake everyone up. Only one person got out from his room and we talked about what happen....and apparently the earthquake is stopped already. Phew...
I went back to sleep and few hours later, I received sms from a friend who was visited his friend in Jogja. At that time I didn't know what happened cause I didn't watch any news. He wrote "Oh my God,there's just an earthquake here!". And I replied by saying that it happened also here. And I went back to sleep again. Later that day, I felt guilty cause when I saw the news, everything went so bad in Jogja. I quickly sent sms again to my friend ask whether he's ok. And thankfully he said that everything went so bad in Jogja but he's ok and he said that in the next day he'll be back to Kediri.
Condolence to allthe earthquake victims in Jogja. I still love this city anyway. Enough about this misery, please.
6:51:00 pm ::
