A journal of Vivin
sharing a bit of my life

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yeah..finally I've found new place to stay nearby the office....just walking distance...well this is small city, so walking distance is better than ever. The place is nice..even I have my own balcony!! I've got cd player, radio and I'll put tv and dvd player in my room...so...yeah...I"ll be Rocking!! Hmm...I mean Jazzing! I've got many windows too. I can see mountain in the morning.
So now...I'm starting to move some of my stuff to the new place. I don't like packing..but like it or not, I have to.

Anyway...there's a new movie about penguin, it's "Happy Feet". I must see it. I've seen the trailer...and yeah it's so cute. I can't wait to see it. There was a movie about penguin too. Hmm..it called "March of Penguins" if I'm not mistaken. I have searched anywhere but I can't find it. It's not an animated one...but still it's about penguin. So it's sooo...Vivin.

Saturday, December 09, 2006
End of year holiday

Almost the end of the year holiday. Will have quite long holiday. Thinking about going to Bali....but I don't want to go there by myself, can't find anyone to go there together. *Sigh. Time is ticking and all hotels will be all booked by that time.