Sunday, April 08, 2007
Hey ya
Work is busy, have to teach outside lately, so it's busier than before. It's better to prepare the class rather than get online.You know how teacher is, students are number one.

The good thing was many people have sms-ed me and wished me on my b-day. I even had difficulties in replying cause the texts keep coming in. Herwig, Henry, Suci, Mum, Dad, Sister, Nadia, Lisa, Brother, Merti, Indrie, Fay, Haedar, people at the office, students. Everyone wished me a birthday and wishes for me. And I've received 2 gifts, belated gifts, one officially was from the office and the other was from Suci.Thanks a bunch guys.
Hmmm...mbak Rika cepet banget dapet kabar yang "baru" ini. It must be Suci who spread the news yach...